Medication Delivery / Asia Medical Supplies
Comfy Silicone Face Mask, Size 1 (Infant)
- SGD11.00
Our Comfy silicone face masks are specially designed for patients ranging from neonates, babies, young children to adults that may have difficulties using a mouthpiece. Comfy’s unique design gives a good fit without compromising on comfort.
- Designed to be used with Space Chamber Plus® range
- Made of soft, latex-free silicone for better seal and comfort
- Ribbed connection for ease of engaging and disengaging of masks
- Can be sterilized by boiling or autoclaving (up to 134˚C)
- Available in 6 sizes
- Universal 22mm or 15mm diameter fits all international size ventilation devices.
Available In 6 sizes
Comfy Silicone Face Mask Size 0, Neonate
Comfy Silicone Face Mask Size 1, Infant
Comfy Silicone Face Mask Size 2, Toddler
Comfy Silicone Face Mask Size 3, Child
Comfy Silicone Face Mask Size 4, Adult
Comfy Silicone Face Mask Size 5, Adult Large
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