Provox XtraFlow HME

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Throat Cancer / ATOS

Provox XtraFlow HME

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Provox XtraFlow HME - The best HME for active users

The Provox XtraFlow HME makes breathing easier by  providing less breathing resistance and keeping the air you breathe humid when you’re physically active. It’s very good at keeping mucus to a minimum and helping you cough less, while being discreet, so you won’t feel as self-conscious of it in social situations. It’s also simple to use with a voice prosthesis – just press the lid to speak.

What is a HME?

Heat and Moisture Exchangers (HMEs) help to reduce mucus production and coughing by humidifying and filtering the air you breathe through your stoma. This is crucial for maintaining optimal lung health and function.

After a total laryngectomy, you breathe through the stoma in your neck. This means the air that reaches your lungs is cooler and less humid than it should be. Your lungs react by producing more mucus, and your windpipe can feel irritated. You may start to cough a lot and have to clean your stoma more regularly, which can be uncomfortable to do in public. Most people find that wearing HMEs can help.

Provox HMEs partially replaces the function of the nose, by filtering and making sure that the air breathed in is warm and moist.



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